
RIO Insurance Brokers is proud to provide insurance for PCVA Members under our Vessel Insurance Program. Our mandate is to deliver to the members an insurance option that rewards you for being best in class. Participation is optional, the rewards are exceptional.

Chose from one of the options on the right to learn more.

PCVA Profit Sharing

The PCVA Vessel Insurance Program (VIP) was created with one goal – to reward members for continued excellent performance as individuals and more importantly as a group.

The PCVA Continuity Credit is a profit sharing program with a difference – all PCVA VIP participants qualify for 10% return premium based on group performance, every year that the program makes a profit.

Time to get your share.

Join the PCVA

If you are an Operator of a Transport Canada inspected vessel, what is stopping you from belonging
to the Passenger & Commercial Vessel Association?

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