The Passenger & Commercial Vessel Association is a Transport Canada Recognized Maritime Training Institution and is registered to offer the following courses:
- DPVS Domestic Passenger Vessel Safety
- SDV-BS Small Domestic Vessel Basic Safety
- SPV-NCP Seasonal Passenger Vessel Safety Non-Certified Personnel
- SSPV- CP Small Seasonal Passenger Vessel Safety, Certified Personnel
- SVOP Small Vessel Operator Proficiency
- SEN-L Simulated Electronic Navigation, Limited
Access to the PCVA training program is available free of charge to all active Members of the PCVA.
Approved Trainers
Our Transport Canada approved trainers are authorized to deliver training under the PCVA training program. It is a requirement that all trainers be an employee of a Member Company in order to be an approved trainer. For a list of approved trainers in your area please contact
If you are interested in having one of your employees approved, please contact for details.
Training Materials
The PCVA maintains training materials for the courses authorized to provide. If a member requires training materials, they are available in the secure section of the Member Resources section of the PCVA website.
Once training is completed, the PCVA will issue Transport Canada Certificates fot trained crew member.
Please contact with any questions you may have.